Towards a Better Tomorrow

Corporate Governance

Board Charter
Sets out the Board's strategic intent and outlines the Board's roles and responsibilities. For the Board Charter, please click here.

Audit Committee - Terms of Reference
Outlines the Committee's authority, duties and responsibilities mandated by the Board. For the Term of Reference, please click here.

Nomination & Remuneration Committee - Terms of Reference
Outlines the Committee's authority, duties and responsibilities mandated by the Board. For the Term of Reference, please click here.

Fit and Proper Policy
Guidance for the appointment, re-election and evaluation of Directors in ensuring the quality and integrity of Board of Directors is maintained and within expectations. For the Policy, please click here.

Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption Policy & Guidelines
Sets out the Company's responsibilities, and providing information and guidelines to Board and employees and stakeholders to conduct our business with integrity and in accordance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations. For Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption Policy & Guidelines, please click here.

Whistleblower Policy
Providing employees, customers & vendors an avenue to raise matters of serious concern that could have an impact on the Company, in line with our commitment to the highest possible standards of ethical, moral and legal business conduct and our commitment to open communication. For the Whistleblower Policy, please click here

Code of Conduct & Ethics
Establishes a corporate culture which engenders ethical conduct throughout Southern Acids (M) Berhad and its subsidiaries. For the Code of Conduct & Ethics, please click here.

Corporate Governance Report
For the 2024 Corporate Governance Report, please click here.
For the 2023 Corporate Governance Report, please click here.
For the 2022 Corporate Governance Report, please click here.
For the 2021 Corporate Governance Report, please click here.
For the 2020 Corporate Governance Report, please click here.
For the 2019 Corporate Governance Report, please click here.
For the 2018 Corporate Governance Report, please click here.

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